Engine and on some other Villiers Engines, petroil lubrication is employed. PATENT CASTROL XL OIL, obtainable at all first class garages, has been found to give good results in Villiers Engines, and as it is advisable always to use one particular brand of oil and not to change from one to another, Villiers owners are advised to adopt this brand regularly. The modern Villiers Engine is as reliable as engineering skill can make it, and the only constantĪttention which the owner is asked to give it, is to keep a plentiful supply of oil, and to see that the correct quantity is given to the engine at all times. The useful life and the amount of good service your Villiers Engine will give, depends almostĮntirely upon the way it is lubricated, especially during the early stages of its life. INSTRUCTIONS for the good running and maintenance of Villiers Villiers Two Stroke Engines VILLIERS TWO-STROKE MOTOR